We’ve been working on the ↓4 ↑2 seqeunce. Now lets figure out the ↓4 ↑2 seqeunce using our ears. Try this! Listen to this Credo by GA Ristori (you can try just listening to a short portion.) First, what catches your ear? Next listen specifically for these things, pick one at a time: Now lets make some […]
Tag: sequence
This sequence is everywhere!!! From Arosmith’s ‘Cryin” to Pachelbel’s ‘Canon in D” there are SO many pop songs and classical pieces that use this pattern! Are you up for a challenge?
Welcome to Try This! Your weekly look at a partimenti rule. This week we are looking at an example of a rule from the reperetoire. Last week we looked at the ascending 7-6 sequence. If you haven’t worked that through, you can find it here. Check out how Mozart uses the ascending 7-6 sequence in
The previous post was about the descending 7-6 sequence. and now we’re going to check out the ascending 7-6 sequence So grab your instrument and let’s try it! The Ascending 7-6 Sequence. Are you up for a challenge? Try transposing the ascending 7-6 sequence to D minor and F major. Play with the meter. Do
Check out my previous post about the descending 7-6 sequence here before reading this. Here’s a descending 7-6 sequence from Brahms’ Waltz, Op 39 No 11. Below is the full score of the first two lines. Here’s a recording. Did you find the descending 7-6 sequence? Here it is in the second line. Go to