We’ve been working on the ↓4 ↑2 seqeunce. Now lets figure out the ↓4 ↑2 seqeunce using our ears. Try this! Listen to this Credo by GA Ristori (you can try just listening to a short portion.) First, what catches your ear? Next listen specifically for these things, pick one at a time: Now lets make some […]
Tag: harmonic sequence
This sequence is everywhere!!! From Arosmith’s ‘Cryin” to Pachelbel’s ‘Canon in D” there are SO many pop songs and classical pieces that use this pattern! Are you up for a challenge?
Remember Beethoven from last week This week it’s your turn! Here is Beethoven’s bassline, let’s make it our own! Try This!
Welcome to Try This! Your weekly look at a partimenti rule. This week we are looking at an example of a rule from the reperetoire. Last week we looked at the ascending 7-6 sequence. If you haven’t worked that through, you can find it here. Check out how Mozart uses the ascending 7-6 sequence in
The previous post was about the descending 7-6 sequence. and now we’re going to check out the ascending 7-6 sequence So grab your instrument and let’s try it! The Ascending 7-6 Sequence. Are you up for a challenge? Try transposing the ascending 7-6 sequence to D minor and F major. Play with the meter. Do
Check out my previous post about the descending 7-6 sequence here before reading this. Here’s a descending 7-6 sequence from Brahms’ Waltz, Op 39 No 11. Below is the full score of the first two lines. Here’s a recording. Did you find the descending 7-6 sequence? Here it is in the second line. Go to