- We will start in the same way: play ① ⑤ ⑥ ③ ④ ① ④ ⑤ ① in your lower register in D major.
- Try putting a 8v above ①, then a 3rd above ⑤. Then repeat that: a 8v above ⑥, a 3rd above ③, repeat again, a 8v above ④, a 3rd above ①. And now a little cadence from the Rule of the Octave (RO), put a 8v above, ④ a 5th above ⑤, then an 8v above ①.
- Now we will add some suspensions! Start in the same way: put an 8v above ①, hold that 8v as a 4th above ⑤ then resolve down to the 3rd. Then repeat that: an 8v above ⑥, hold that 8v as a 4th above ③ the resolve down to the 3rd. Repeat again, a 8v above ④, hold that 8v as a 4th above ① and resolve down to the 3rd. And the RO cadence, put a 8v above, ④ a 5th above ⑤, then one last suspension, hold the 5th as a 9th above ① and resolve to the 8v. Yummy!
- Now lets try that starting with the 3rd, try putting a 3rd above ①, then a 5th above ⑤. Then repeat that: a 3rd above ⑥, a 5th above ③, repeat again, a 3rd above ④, a 5th above ①. And now a little cadence, stollen from the Rule of the Octave: put a 3rd above ④, a 8v above ⑤, then an 5th above ①.
- More suspensions! Starting with the 3rd, try putting a 3rd above ①, then a 5th above ⑤. Hold that 5ths above ⑥ as it turns into a 4th then resolves down to a 3rd. Put a 5th above ③, and repeat hold the 5th above ④ as it turns into a 4th and resolves down to the 3rd. Put a 5th above ①. And the RO cadence: put a 3rd above ④, hold the 3rd into ⑤ as it turns into a 9th and resolves to an 8v above, then an 5th above ①.
- Now lets combine just the consonant intervals from steps 1 and 3.
- Finally combine all of the consonance and dissonance from steps 2 and 4.
Are you up for a challenge?
- Try transposing the ↓4 ↑2 sequence to E major and F major major.
- Try this in minor, all you will need to do is change the key signature to minor (there’s no 3rd above ⑤ at the cadence, so you don’t even need to worry about that).
- Here’s something a little strange, but I was playing with this yesterday, see what you think. Try this sequence over the whole tone scale, when I was doing it, I would go outside the WT scale for the cadence. Let me know how it goes!