The Missing Link

There is a missing link in classical music. 

An ingredient missing. 

A cornerstone that has been lost to time. 

Amazing Reperetoire!

In the repertoire of classical music there is incredible, amazing, beautiful, haunting, epic, grand, delicate, and oh so cool. We have an incredible heritage of music from the great, well-known, composers whose music is regularly played, to the composers whose names you’ve never heard, but who possess a solid craft and whose music is engaging and satisfying.

Music Theory

On the other hand we have music theory which tries to explain how that incredible, amazing, beautiful, haunting, epic, grand, delicate and oh so cool music works. You can take apart a Beethoven symphony and marvel at its construction. You could peel apart the lines of a Bach fugues. You can deconstruct one of Clara Schumman’s character pieces to understand its texture, harmony, and form.

But we’re missing a tool. We need a tool that lives between theory and practice, between an idea and a composed piece of music.

Though almost lost to the vicissitudes of changing tastes of the twentieth century, two world wars, and mass migration, partimenti provides a tool for composers to compose quickly and efficiently and for performers to understand their music more reliably and fully, and fully embody the music in performance.

Partimenti is the link between theory and practice, between the idea and the composed piece of music that SO many composers like Bach, Beethoven or Clara Schumann knew. 

Fingers 🖐️, Brains 🧠, and Ears👂

Partimenti will develop you fingers and your voice—weather you play the piano, the clarinet, or the accordion—so you have a more intuitive sense of your instrument.

Partimenti will expand your brain, you will start to notice patterns in pieces and be be able to use those patterns to improvise and compose.

Partimenti will transform your ears, so as you listen, you understand the music you are listening to more deeply and as you create your new understanding of harmony will intuitively guide your composition.

You can fill the link in the chain. You can learn partimenti too!


Unlock your creativity like the greatest composers

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The Partimenti Workshop is a safe place that welcomes people of all races, religions, gender identities and expressions, sexual orientations, and body types. We respect, celebrate, encourage, and nurture the unique musical and creative possibilities of each individual.​


We acknowledge that we are gather, teach, make art and music on ancestral lands, on Treaty One Territory and that the land on which we gather is the traditional territory of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene Peoples, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation and that our water is sourced from Shoal Lake 40 First Nation.


Copyright © Ian Campbell 2023-2024​